Saturday, September 8, 2007

Easy Shredded Pork for Tacos

So, we've talked up achiote as a magic spice mixture (see pulled pork from last May). When we bought the achiote for cinco de mayo, Keith also picked up some green achiote, which is made from pumpkin seeds instead of the bright red annato seeds in the red achiote. I used it to make some slow-cooked shredded pork in the crock pot. The result was magical. Achiote can be picked up at your local Mexican market, and comes in a small brick.

5 lbs. pork shoulder, cut into 2" pieces
canola oil
1 package green achiote
1 c. water

Heat oil on hight heat in a large non-stick skillet. Add pork in batches, taking care not to crowd pan, and saute until well-browned. Remove pork to crock pot. Add water and achiote to pan, deglaze, and stir until achiote is dissolved. Pour liquid over pork, stir, and cook on low heat 6-8 hours. Stir pork to shred, allowing the shredded pork to absorb excess liquid. Serve on tacos with your favorite garnish.

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